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Mountain biking Norway: Unimagined freedom in the land of fjords

Not only in view of the coronavirus that has been spreading worldwide since the beginning of the year, originating in China and gripping Central and Southern Europe, makes northern Norway, which is far less affected by it, attractive for travel, but rather the Everyman's Right typical of Norway, which offers mountain bikers virtually unrestricted freedom to blaze their trail wherever they please.

by Rolf Fleckenstein

Where in German-speaking Europe numerous "marked out" tours and paths are provided, on which mountain bikers are allowed to let off steam and a million forest, meadow and traffic laws restrictively prescribe what you are not allowed to do, the door is open to bikers in Norway to actually bike anywhere in the great outdoors, wherever and however you feel like it. The Norwegian "Everyman's Right" makes this possible.

The Everyman's Right: Enjoy Nature Without Restriction
The Everyman's Right "allemannsretten" applies exclusively to the outdoors, not to fenced land. Everyone should be able to enjoy the outdoors, this is part of the Norwegian culture and since 1957 part of the Norwegian laws. You can move freely in the nature in Norway and this also with the bicycle. But even here a few basic rules apply, which are actually self-evident. You should behave considerately and prudently, do no harm to nature and the environment and leave the landscape as you would like to find it yourself. Of course, as with any rule, there are exceptions to the Everyman's Right. Therefore, it is best to ask the locals if you are not sure whether you are allowed to drive in an area.

The price of freedom
Where there are few rules, a lot of individual initiative and responsibility is required. If you set out for a vacation region for bikers in German-speaking Europe, you will find a perfect infrastructure with preconceived tours and facilities, which predefine the biker's enjoyment, but also support it. If you go to the land of the fjords, you will find a lot of nature and indeed an extraordinarily beautiful nature, free, wild, without pre-stamped trails, but lifts to be lifted comfortably to the heights are not found for this. Who does not like to climb the height with the pedals, because it is too steep or because there is no generously laid out way, must push his bike and often enough also take on the shoulder and carry in the height. This costs a lot of sweat and strength, the reward is boundless freedom in an untouched, wild and fascinating nature. I don't know any other place except the Lofoten (group of islands in the north of Norway) where you can take a tour over a huge granite rock landscape and roll down into the valley from there with a fabulous view of the sea. You have to admit it, Norway is a natural spectacle of the highest order. Mighty mountains, wide plains, large forests, waterfalls that appear out of nowhere, and in addition there are regularly sensational panoramas like from a travel guide and all this far from any mass tourism. This country is made for bikers and nature lovers.

Mountain biking in Norway is therefore not for everyone, even if everyone has the right. A good fitness is absolutely a prerequisite. Those who are not able to manage 700-1000 meters of altitude a day can hardly enjoy...

The report about Norway as a biking destination comprises 15 pages with beautiful pictures. Order the printed magazine with the following form or get the online edition immediately with a click!

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