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With the Lupato Brothers on MTB tour through Bormio

Alex and Denny Lupato love mountain bikes: The brothers from Italy have been riding MTBs for around 15 years, first in cross country, and now both are successful in the international enduro circuit. Since 2016, the two athletes have been riding for Team Trek Cingolani. We talked to Alex and Denny about cycling in general, trails in the Stilfserjoch National Park and biking vacations with the family.

Last year, the bicycle celebrated its 200th birthday. Can you imagine life without a bike?
Alex: No, absolutely not! Biking is my life! I love it - without bikes it just does not work.
DennyNo, I really can't imagine life without a bike. When I get up in the morning, I immediately think of my bikes - my whole life revolves around them.

Last summer you were on a bike trip in Bormio - how was it? Was it your first time biking in Bormio?
AlexThe trip was really great - the trails and the landscape are just fantastic! This was not my first time in Bormio, but I rode a lot of new trails.
DennyI really enjoyed the bike trip to Bormio. I've been there before, but this time I discovered some new spots with fabulous trails.

The Stilfserjoch National Park is simply unique. Is there a trail that you particularly liked?
Alex: Yes, my favorite is the trail to Zebrù Pass, one of the highest ridges rideable in the world. This trail is very long and natural, that's why I liked it so much.
DennyI had a lot of fun on the Panoramica Pizzini Trail. The trail is called so by the local guides, it starts at the Pizzini hut and leads to the Ables Trail - always up and down. There you can heat up as fast as you can. Simply super!

Do you have an insider tip for enthusiastic bikers who want to go biking in and around Bormio?
Alex: It is always best to contact a local guide who can take you to the best trails.
Denny: Always remember to have a jacket in your backpack, because the weather up there changes quickly.

You started with cross country, but switched to enduro a few years ago. Do you also ride road bikes?
Alex: I've never raced a road bike, but I ride road bikes for training purposes, which I also enjoy a lot.
DennyFor training, I regularly ride a road bike, which I really like to do. When I was still riding cross country, I took part in a few easier road bike races during a training camp.

On the Stilfserjoch with the bike. Would that be something for you?
AlexTo be honest, I'm not really into long climbs, but it would certainly be a great experience... But only if I'm in good shape! (laughs)
DennyYes, why not. I like to dare big climbs with the road bike and so far I have not yet ridden the Stelvio.

What do you think is special about Bormio?
AlexThe local specialties such as "pizzoccheri "* - I love them! (laughs)
Denny: The surrounding landscape is simply beautiful.

Alex, you are the father of a little boy. Can you imagine taking a family vacation in Bormio? There are not only trails for MTB pros like you, but also trails for all skill levels...
Alex: Yeah, sure, that would be great for sure! I love spending time with my family. After training I could take a little walk around Bormio with my son and my girlfriend.

Your father raced downhill in the 90s. To what extent did he have an influence on your decision to become professional athletes?
AlexIt all started when I was a very small child and always attended my father's races. I used to hang out in his pit with my little bike. When I started racing professionally, my family always accompanied me.
DennyFrom the beginning, my father and later my brother were my role models. So I think it was easier for me to turn pro because there was always someone there to push me.

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