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How do you organize a long bike tour?

Bicycle tours and traveling by bike are experiences for young and old - but only with the right planning and organization!

The journey is the destination
Many people really enjoy doing sports in their free time. Cycling in particular is at the top because it is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. You're out in nature, you can switch off and gain some distance and at the same time do something good for your body.
Cycling can't just be a hobby for every now and then, you can also experience real adventures with your bike and go on trips. Let’s now look at how to plan a long bike tour.

Who wants and can come with us?
The first question that arises is: Who should come with us? There are ambitious athletes who set out on their own. This has the advantages that you are flexible, only have to pay attention to yourself and can let your thoughts run wild. However, it is much safer to set off together with other people. You usually have more fun and spend time together, which is often neglected in everyday life. It is important that everyone who comes along on the bike trip, have a certain fitness level. For children, for example, it can be difficult to cover several hundred kilometers on a bicycle. Of course, it also depends on the route you choose.

Emergency care for small accidents on the way
It is important when planning that you prepared for emergencies. Unforeseeable incidents such as falls can always occur along the way. Depending on the type of injury, it may be best to see a doctor. But if it's just a bruise or abrasion, it's helpful to have cooling creams and disinfectant spray for wounds with you. You should also take some medication with you for headaches, colds and hay fever. You can easily order these from the Redcare pharmacy.

Pack the right provisions
Another important point is food on the go. This also depends on the route you choose. If you decide to take a path through nature, you will rarely pass a supermarket or restaurant. Then it is very important to have enough water and healthy snacks with you. Apples and protein bars give you quick energy boost new strength for the upcoming route. But it's also important that you don't have too much with you and that you plan to do some shopping every now and then. Otherwise your luggage will quickly become too heavy, making the journey much more strenuous.

Plan the route carefully
Finally, we want to pay special attention to the route you choose. This should be beautiful and varied, because when traveling by bike the following applies: the journey is the destination. If you are already experienced, you can take difficult routes through the forest or mountains. Large differences in altitude in particular can make the journey very strenuous. Easier routes on developed cycle paths are suitable for beginners. The number of kilometers is also crucial here. Experienced athletes like to choose routes with many hundreds of kilometers. Newbies shouldn't take on too much so that they can still enjoy the whole thing. A weekend tour of around 100 kilometers would be a good idea here.

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