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Insider tip for fast regeneration: CBD oil in sports

The modern athlete is always looking for an edge, be it in the form of nutrition, training techniques or recovery methods. In recent years, CBD oil has emerged as an interesting option for recovery. More and more athletes, whether professional or amateur, like to use CBD Hemp Products. In this article you will learn how CBD oil can enrich your everyday sports life.

These are your 3 benefits of CBD in sports

Regeneration is the process of recovery or healing. After an intense workout or competition, your muscles may be tight, your joints ache, and you may feel mentally drained. You want to support the regeneration of your body after sports in the best possible way, because only then can you perform at your best again the next day. You can get support from CBD oil. Yes, it's true. Cannabidiol, CBD for short, is an extract from the hemp plant (lat. Cannabis Sativa). But you don't have to worry, cannabidiol is not illegal, nor does it give you a high, nor is it considered doping. That sounds good for now, because CBD can offer you 3 advantages as an athlete:

  1. CBD oil provides pure relaxation!
  2. Through anti-inflammatory properties, CBD can support muscle regeneration.
  3. CBD drops are good for sleep.

How cannabidiol contributes to relaxation

Relaxation is important for your body and mind and helps with regeneration. With a few drops of CBD oil you can intensify relaxation, because CBD can interact with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a complex network of receptors and enzymes involved in the regulation of various physiological processes such as pain sensation, mood or sleep. When you ingest CBD hemp oil, it modulates certain receptors in the ECS, specifically to the CB1 and CB2 receptors. These receptors are distributed throughout the body, including the brain and nervous system. Binding to these receptors modulates the release of neurotransmitters, and thus can lead to increased feelings of relaxation and reduced feelings of anxiety and stress. Overall, then, CBD works on multiple levels to promote a sense of relaxation and well-being. Not only can it relieve physical symptoms such as muscle tension and pain, but it can also contribute to emotional and mental relaxation on a neurochemical level. As a result, it is increasingly valued as a natural and low side-effect option for promoting relaxation and stress management.

Support the regeneration of your muscles with CBD oil

Muscle pain and inflammation are sometimes the side effects of a good workout. For example, sore muscles are micro-inflammations in the muscles. Hemp extract is said to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, so it can help speed up the healing process. By reducing inflammation, muscle damage can be repaired quickly, allowing you to get back into your normal workout routine as soon as possible. In doing so, it is possible to both, CBD Tropfen sublingual einzunehmen, als auch Cannabidiol äußerlich aufzutragen. Es gibt bestimmte Cremes, die direkt auf die schmerzende Stelle gerieben werden können. Auch ein CBD Massageöl eignet sich, um geplagten Muskeln die pure Entspannung zu bieten.

Better sleep - better performance: This is how CBD drops help

You know it yourself: If you have slept well, you can cope well with the day. One of the most important factors for fast recovery and improved athletic performance is good sleep. CBD oil can positively influence sleep patterns by helping you fall asleep faster and improving sleep quality. A well-rested body is more efficient and less prone to injury. Many athletes use CBD oil in the form of drops before falling asleep. This can shorten the time it takes to fall asleep. Some people wake up several times during the night. Especially when you think too much or maybe you are nervous before an athletic competition, this can happen. In these cases it is possible to use CBD hemp drops again during the night.

How to choose the right CBD oil for sports

The selection of CBD products is large. It is important that you choose an oil that comes from organic cultivation and does not contain harmful substances. Certificates from third-party suppliers can be a reliable source here. Customer reviews can also give you information. Also note the concentration of CBD in the product. As an athlete, you should start with a lower dose and increase it gradually, depending on how your body reacts. A 5% or 10% CBD oil is enough for the beginning.

For athletes please THC-free

When buying CBD oil, you should make sure to choose a product that is free of THC, the psychoactive component of the hemp plant. Legal CBD oil in Germany is allowed to contain up to 0.3% THC. This amount is too low to cause intoxication. But some athletes can't be too careful. Not only is THC banned in many sports, it can also affect performance and reaction time. A broad spectrum CBD oil does not contain THC

Tips for use & dosage

The application of CBD oil is straightforward. It can be taken sublingually by placing a few drops under the tongue with the pipette and waiting about 60 seconds for it to take effect. Alternatively, you can choose CBD products that are meant for external use. The right CBD dosage is individual for everyone. Some athletes only take it at night to fall asleep. Still other athletes appreciate a few drops of CBD oil in the morning because it calms them down and thus supports their concentration. As a rule of thumb, 2-3 drops 2-3 times a day is a good guide in finding the perfect CBD dosage. It is advisable to start with a low dose and gradually increase it until the desired effects occur. It is also recommended to consult a doctor, especially if you are already taking other medications.

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