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Lange Shadow: More power, more control, more comfort

This winter, the ski boot brand Lange is presenting the new “Shadow” model series, whose new concept promises more performance, more control and more comfort for the piste skier. Since all of these concepts were developed in the dark, in the dark, Lange decided on the name "Shadow".

After skiers in the 50s and 60s still had “comfortable” leather ski boots on their feet that could be easily attached to the still modest ski bindings of the time, the age of plastic emerged in the 70s. The wooden skis and leather ski boots disappeared. The skis became more modern, the bindings more professional and ski boots were now made of plastic. They were stiff, hard and uncomfortable. Who would want to make a shoe out of plastic? That can't be comfortable, as plastic is hard and stiff. For many decades, skiers have suffered from stiff plastic ski boots, which were always reminiscent of the lead shoes worn by astronauts on the moon and their stiff, difficult gait. But over the past 10 years, ski boot manufacturers have managed to design relatively comfortable ski boots by installing different thicknesses of plastic in different parts of the ski boot, making it significantly more flexible. There was also an increase and individual widths of the toe box.

Shadow: The next generation
The new “Shadow” ski boot contains new concepts that increase the power transmission and comfort of a ski boot further than previous ski boots were able to. On the one hand, the two pivots are striking, the two pivot points at which the cuff (movable upper part of the ski boot) rotates. They ensure that more power is transferred to the ski despite less physical effort. The new “Blade Suspension” is attached to the back of the ski boot, an elastic, movable back lever that is screwed on and, together with the two pivot points, acts like suspension on a mountain bike. On the one hand, the suspension blade ensures stability and power transmission and, together with the two pivots, acts like a harmonious damping or suspension. Achieving the same performance with less power and significantly more comfort, that is the secret of the new Shadow. Various individual parts are also included in the delivery to optimize the interaction of the Supsension Blade and Double Pivot and to individually adjust it to be even harder or softer.

But the new ski boot also offers a new interior. The inner boot is of course particularly crucial for the comfort of a ski boot. The new inner shoe impresses with the new “Auxetic” technology – a thermoformable honeycomb construction that adapts perfectly to the shape of the foot, especially when heated. But even without heating, the liner should fit perfectly, say testers. This gives the skier an ultra-comfortable ski boot that offers more power transfer, ski control and flexibility than conventional ski boots.

Shadow model range
The new Long Shadow is available for men in two last widths - MV=100 mm and LV= 97 mm - and in flex hardnesses from 100 to 130. The same last widths are available for women to choose from, however, with flex hardnesses between 85 and 115. The following table provides an overview of the new Shadow models from Lange:

Shadow models for women

LV = 97 mm
MV = 100 mm
CHF 430.00
CHF 430.00
CHF 520.00
CHF 520.00
CHF 575.00
CHF 575.00

Shadow models for men

LV = 97 mm
MV = 100 mm
CHF 440.00
CHF 520.00
CHF 520.00
CHF 595.00
CHF 595.00
CHF 685.00
CHF 685.00

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